Our Pastors
Steven Nash
Dr. Steven B. Nash was installed as senior pastor of Lawndale Baptist Church on November 1, 2020. He previously served for over ten years as the senior pastor of Boothbay Baptist Dr. Nash (“Pastor Steve”) and his wife Mary Ann are originally from New Jersey and were missionaries with WorldVenture in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 15 years. In Brazil, Steve worked as a Baptist Bible College and seminary professor teaching pastors and Christian workers from Brazil, and from other Portuguese speaking countries. Mary Ann helped in an International Christian school and other children’s and women’s ministries. Prior to their missionary work Steve served as the pastor of Raritan Road Baptist Church in Cranford, N.J. for seven years, 1988-95. Before that he was a teacher-trainer with Evangelism Explosion Equipping Ministry at Sayrewoods Bible Church in Old Bridge, N.J., and an associate pastor at Stelton Baptist Church in Edison, N.J. Pastor Steve earned a bachelor’s degree in biblical literature at Northeastern Bible College, Essex Falls, N.J., in 1984; a master’s degree in biblical studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, in 1986; and a Ph.D. in hermeneutics and biblical interpretation also at Westminster in 2000. Dr. and Mrs. Nash have a daughter Sarah, son-in-law Ian, and two beautiful grandchildren, Arden and Hunter, who live nearby in New Jersey.
Ben Brous
Ben was born and raised in Philadelphia. He attended Temple University before being called to the ministry and then attended and graduated from Pensacola Christian College (Pensacola,FL – Graduate of Practical Theology – Youth/Pastoral Emphasis 1999). He accepted the call to be youth pastor at Lawndale in the spring of 2001. In addition to his responsibilities as Associate/Youth Pastor, he is the Director of Student Development for the 6th grade at Esperanza Academy, a junior high and senior high charter school in North Philadelphia, which he views as a major mission field.
Ben and his wife Beth are proud parents of four beautiful children, Benny, Nathan, Gavin, and Addison. He is an avid board game fan and a loyal Philadelphia sports fanatic, but enjoys watching his own children participate in their sports and activities even more (although, he isn't so enthusiastic about chauffeuring them all around!). Youth Group, AWANA, Sunday School, etc. keep Ben quite busy with the work of the Lord, but his heart's desire is to see the church and all of its ministries focus on the LORD of the work! One of his favorite verses is Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Membership & Directory
We have membership classes about to begin for 2020, if you are interested click the link below.
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