November 8, 2020
Deacon’s Benevolent Fund
There is a basket in the foyer for the Deacon’s Benevolent Fund. This fund goes to meet needs within our church family. Please be mindful of this as you worship with us today.
Operation Christmas Child
We have boxes and a list for items to be gathered for this year’s Operation Christmas Child drive. Please see Ginny McCarraher with any questions.
Whosoever Gospel Mission Thanksgiving Collection
We are collecting non-perishable goods for the Whosoever Gospel Mission. They can be placed on the baptismal. Thanks as always for giving towards this annual event!
Seating During COVID-19
As we work towards fitting as many individuals safely in the sanctuary, we ask that you would be mindful of this desire. If you have travelled with individuals, we would ask that you would sit together with those you’ve travelled to help maximize individuals in the sanctuary. We do have an overflow room downstairs to be able to sit individuals (audio only)
Congregational Business Meeting Movement
The Deacons have approved moving the semi-annual congregational meeting to Tuesday, November 17 at 7pm to allow an in-person meeting.