Additional Information
Uniform & Book: $14 to $25 depending on the club. Upon completion of the entrance booklet, your child earns the privilege of becoming a club member and purchasing a uniform and handbook. There is no charge for awards.
Dues: 50¢ per week per club member. The dues help pay for special activities and help the clubbers appreciate the value of their clubs.
Activities: Some of the activities organized outside of club may require a modest participation fee, such as hayride, family skate night, etc.
Inclement Weather Policy
You may use two methods to find out if our services have been canceled due to inclement weather:
Listen to NBC Channel 10, or visit their website for school closings.
Call the church at 215-342-1211. Information will be left on the answering machine after 5PM.
Visit the church website for updated information.
Parent Involvement
The Awana awards system is based on a series of achievements in handbooks which include Bible memory and activities. Your child’s achievement can be enhanced with your involvement and encouragement.
Help your child memorize the sections in his/her handbook–you can even memorize the verses at the same time!
Non-reading clubbers especially need a parent’s help in completing handbooks.
Visitor participation is encouraged and rewarded. Bring children from your neighborhood.
Contact your club director for more information on how you can be involved.